Entry Fee: ₹ 100/-
Date: 27th April 2023
Reporting Time: 9:30 AM
Competition Time: 11:00 AM
Venue: Modern Law College
Save Environment
On the Spot Registration is permitted.
No late entries are entertained.
It is an individual event. Multiple entries from one college is allowed.
All the students who are pursuing undergraduate and post-graduate from bonafide colleges and universities shall be qualified to participate in the competition
It is compulsory to carry college ID cards, participants are also required to carry a letter sealed and signed by your respective college mentioning the relevant details of participants.
Vulgarity/obscenity/indecency is prohibited. If found would lead to disqualification. And all rights to do so are reserved with the management.
Material for making Rangoli to be brought by the participants. Only colours and flowers can be used for making rangoli.
Rangoli should be handmade only, any kind of stencils are not allowed.
The Rangoli should be drawn in the space fixed by the committee. It will be same for all participants.
Fixed time limit of 2 hours will be allocated to the participants to draw the Rangoli. Negative marking if the permitted time is exceeded.
The space provided will be on the spot. Participants have to complete their art work within the given space.
Criteria of Judging will be: Relevance to theme, Creativity, Details and clarity in rangoli, overall appearance and appeal and colour combination.
The participants shall not be allowed to use mobile or other electronic instruments or any kind of books for reference once the competition starts.
The tournament committee makes all final decisions concerning all grievances.
Carry a physical copy of registration details with the receipt of payment of registration fees.
Judge’s decision will be considered as final.
Winner: Trophy + Certificate
Runner up: Trophy + Certificate
Participation Certificate will be given to all the participants.