Entry Fees: ₹200/-
Date: 05th April, 2024
Reporting Time: 9:00 AM
Competition Time: 10:00 AM
Venue: Modern Law College, Pune
1. There shall be only two participants in each team.
2. On the Spot Registration is permitted.
3. Multiple entries are allowed.
4. No late entries are entertained.
5. All the students who are pursuing undergraduate and post-graduate from bonafide colleges and universities shall be qualified to participate in the competition
6. It is compulsory to carry college ID cards, participants are also required to carry a letter sealed and signed by your respective college mentioning the relevant details of participants.
7. Carry a physical copy of registration details with the receipt of payment of registration fees.
8. Judge’s decision will be considered final.
9. Multiple entries are allowed from one college.
10. The tournament committee makes all final decisions concerning all grievances.
Conduct of Competition:
1. The competition will be on General Knowledge and Current Affairs.
2. This competition shall be conducted in 4 rounds
Round 1 - Current affairs
Round 2 - Logical reasoning
Round 3 - Aptitude and history/general science
Round 4 - General knowledge/Buzzer
4. The FIRST ROUND will be a current affairs round. Each team will be handed out a sheet of questions which is required to be filled out in the provided time.
5. The SECOND ROUND will consist of logical reasoning a few questions being asked to various teams one by one.
6. The teams scoring the highest score in Round 1 and 2 collectively, will qualify for the
third round. Only 4 teams will qualify for the third Round.
7. THIRD ROUND will consist of Aptitude and history/general science. Teams will be asked questions and the team which scores the highest will qualify for the Final Round.
8. Only 4 teams will Qualify for the Final Round.
9. The FINAL ROUND is the Buzzer round. The team with the most correct answers will be the winner of the competition.
10. Team hitting the buzzer first will get the chance to answer the question asked.
11. Due consideration and respective action will be taken against any kind of foul play.
12. In case of a Tie between two teams, a special tie breaker round will be held between
those respective teams.
Winner - Trophy + Certificate
Runner-up - Trophy + Certificate
Participation Certificate to all the participants shall be given